How Much Does Grease Trap Cleaning Cost?

How Much Does Grease Trap Cleaning Cost?

The purpose of this article is not to tell you exactly how much it would cost for Greasecycle to pump out a trap. If you want a quote for our service, please give us a call. Rather, the purpose of this article is to give you a rough idea of the industry average of grease trap pumping prices in North Carolina. My hope is that this knowledge will be a roadmap for you, as you draw up your budget and speak with potential grease vendors. In general, it costs between $115 to $1,040 to pump a grease trap. The first price listed above is for pumping o…

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How to Size a Grease Trap

How to Size a Grease Trap

Whether it’s a large institutional cafeteria that runs 24/7, or a small neighborhood pizza restaurant, installing a grease trap of proper size is essential. You risk overflows and messy back-ups in the kitchen if you install a unit that’s too small. You would also risk flushing money down the drain if you install a unit that’s too large. Determining the appropriate size of a grease trap can be challenging. Luckily, there are resources to help you do so successfully. The following is a guide that informs you on how to size a grease trap for your…

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A Comprehensive Guide on Restaurant Grease Trap Cleaning

A Comprehensive Guide on Restaurant Grease Trap Cleaning

    Fats, oils, and grease wastes are very common in commercial restaurant establishments. Even though they are common, disposing of them can be a little bit problematic. Once they cool off, they transform into a viscous, semi-solid state which can present a huge problem. If your restaurant produces grill run off, you have a rotisserie or deep fryer, you need to make sure that you have a used fryer oil recycling company drop off a bin. You can dump these fatty mixtures and food into it rather than have it affect the plumbing and sewer system. …

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Four Reasons to Start a Small Business in Raleigh

Four Reasons to Start a Small Business in Raleigh

If you’re looking to start a new business or acquire an old one in Raleigh, North Carolina, the metropolitan city also known as the “City of the Oaks,” you have chosen the perfect time! New businesses have never had a more promising future in Raleigh than they do today, thanks to its techology industries and its low cost of living. Nestled in the heart of North Carolina, Raleigh is not just a thriving metropolis and a great place for business, but a place steeped in rich history that resonates through its streets and landmarks. Founded in 1792 …

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How A Grease Trap Works

How A Grease Trap Works

Cooking ends up generating a lot of dirt and waste, especially liquid waste. This buildup of waste, if left unchecked, not only becomes gross but can also be a serious and expensive process to undo. For example, it can create issues at local water treatment facilities and clog sewer system in the neighborhood. As such, it's a really bad idea and unnecessary to pour FOG (fats, oils, and grease) down the drains and affect everyone's sewer system. While it’s a simple process to get rid of FOG at homes by just pouring it into a can or jar that's e…

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