What to Do With Your Used Frying Oil?

What to Do With Your Used Frying Oil?

Managing your frying oil is a part of every successful restaurant operation in Raleigh, North Carolina. Proper cooking oil management can have multiple benefits for your business. Just take a look at some of the upsides of correct restaurant oil removal: Fewer safety risks More sustainable approach Increase in employee engagement Higher food quality Better kitchen efficiency As you can see, smart strategies of frying oil disposal come with many benefits. In this article, we will go over the basics of what to do with your used frying oil. You …

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How to Keep Your Restaurant's Kitchen Clean

How to Keep Your Restaurant's Kitchen Clean

  Greasecycle is devoted to providing restaurants throughout North Carolina with thorough and dependable grease trap cleaning services. That means we understand the value of keeping your kitchen safe and spotless. Unfortunately, busy restaurants often struggle with keeping their kitchens clean. There are a lot of things going on in a kitchen restaurant at any given time, which makes regular cleaning a great challenge. However, you cannot make any compromises. Poorly cleaned and unsanitary food preparation surfaces contain many risks. Any bad sc…

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What is Grease Trap Pumping?

What is Grease Trap Pumping?

Following a regular grease trap maintenance schedule is important for ensuring steady capabilities. You should get your grease traps serviced every 30 to 90 days. The particular interval depends on two factors: What type of food is cooked at your Raleigh, North Carolina restaurant? What is the volume of grease used in your kitchen? Most of the maintenance work focuses on grease trap pumping. In this article, you will learn exactly what this is and what its benefits are.   What is grease trap pumping? The purpose of grease trap pumping is the …

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How Do You Stop a Grease Trap from Smelling?

How Do You Stop a Grease Trap from Smelling?

When running a restaurant in Raleigh, North Carolina bad smells coming from your kitchen could cause you to lose customers. A restaurant that doesn’t have a good smell will leave a bad impression and thus be bad for business. The last thing any restaurant wants is to have the rancid smell of rotting food in the air. Luckily, these smells are usually just grease trap odors. Grease traps are there to separate food, oil, and grease from wastewater. They are there to prevent sewer blockage. However, having one means that you will occasionally be de…

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Grease Trap Cleaning Tips That Save You Money

Grease Trap Cleaning Tips That Save You Money

Grease traps are a must have for any commercial kitchen. Cooking fats harden in the pipes, leading to a steady fat accumulation. When your kitchen doesn’t have a grease trap, the risk for sewer blockages increases tremendously. Installing a grease trap is the first step towards a more worry-free and sustainable kitchen operation. Nevertheless, installing the device is only the beginning. The trap needs regular maintenance to keep it up and running. A big part of the maintenance procedures consists of emptying the device from all the fats, oils,…

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